Identifying Woodpeckers
Woodpeckers are found all throughout the United States, and usually live and interact in areas near people. Three of the most common species of woodpeckers are the hairy woodpecker, downy woodpecker, and yellow-bellied sapsucker. Each woodpecker species is unique to damage, depending on the region. They are famous for their strong pointed beaks that are used to penetrate wood, while in search of insects and hollow out wood for nesting.
Woodpecker Habitats
Woodpeckers have a dependency on trees for shelter and food, which is why they originate in and around the edges of wooded areas. Certain types of woodpeckers nest in cavities carved into tree trunks and branches, and others nest in human-made assemblies. These structures can consist of wooden fence posts, utility poles, and buildings. Tall landmarks openings and buildings also serve as alternative locations for woodpeckers when trees are scarce in their vicinity.
Woodpecker Control and Removal
Drumming woodpeckers have been known to remove paint on metal surfaces, and the noises they produce can create an even greater nuisance to people living and working in their surrounding areas. Woodpeckers, generally, tend to drum in the springtime. These drumming exteriors often include metal surfaces such as gutters, downspouts, chimney caps, TV antennas, rooftop plumbing vents, and roof valleys. This activity can occur throughout the course of a day or continue on for days or even months. Woodpecker damage can involve holes in wood siding, eaves, window frames, and trim boards. However, they are partial to cedar and redwood siding, but can add damage to pine, fir, and cypress trees. They also prefer natural or stained wood to painted, making new homes primary targets for drumming.
Critter Control of the Triangle knows how woodpeckers operate, from their living environments to eating habits, which is why we can assist you with woodpecker control and removal in your area. We can assess your dispute and determine the necessary steps in safely removing woodpeckers from your home or property building. Additionally, we can repair damaged property and decrease the likelihood of future woodpecker problems. Do not hesitate to call us at (919) 382-0651 for more information.