Identifying Norway Rats
Norway rats are larger in size than the standard rat species, approximately 8 ¾ inches long with a shorter tail around 7 ½ inches. These rats have lengthy, course fur in a yellow-brown color. The Norway rat’s ears are also short and slightly hairier than other rats. They are the most extreme pest animal, causing substantial damage to areas where food and grain elements are stored, often leading to the spread of diseases.
Habitats of Norway Rats
Urban settings in the United States are common places for Norway rats to live. They favor wet areas, and nest in underground spaces such as basements, subway stations and sewer ways. The common diet for Norway rats consists of grains, seeds, fruits, and garbage. Due to cold North Carolina weather in Winter and early Spring, these rats seek refuge and occupy attic spaces for nesting and raising young.
Norway rats generally cause damage upon entry, which can continue a trend if they are not removed from the premises. Attic damage caused by these mammals includes insulation destruction from feces and urine, as well as ductwork and wiring loss, and the staining of drywall from urine. Most of the time, problems occur when they are in search of food. Garbage cans, dumpsters, and gardens are largely involved in residential complaints with Norway rats in suburban areas. This species of rats are strong and capable of damaging roof shingles, front boards, and ventilation systems. They are also known to transfer a variety of parasites and diseases such as the plague and typhus fever, which can be retracted to pets and humans.
Critter Control of the Triad can help you assess problems with rats found within your home or business. Our professionals take the necessary steps to not only humanely remove rats from properties, but also repair damaged areas and reduce the possibility of them regaining entry. If you encounter a Norway rat, please call Critter Control for immediate assistance at (336) 370-0445. We will equip you with the knowledge and tools to solve all of your rat problems.